Postal Rates

The most common postage rates for mailing letters bearing UN stamps are indicated below for the benefit of collectors who wish to obtain cancelled United Nations stamps by preparing for mailing their own covers.

New Postage Rates as of 9 July 2023

Mail from UN Headquarters, New York – UN stamps in U.S. denominations ONLY:

New York to U.S. addresses 66¢ for first ounce and 24¢ for each additional ounce up to and including 3.5 ounces. For weights over 3.5 ounces, refer to the flat-size rates of USPS.
New York to all other countries US$1.50 for 1 oz.
Handling charge:
Value of Order Fee
US$ 0.01 and higher US$ 3.00
Registration Fee – United States:
Value of Order Fee
US$ 0.01 to US$ 100.00 US$ 14.35
US$ 100.01 to US$ 500.00 US$ 16.50
US$ 500.01 to US$ 1,000.00 US$ 18.35
Registration Fee – All other countries:
Value of Order Fee
US$ 0.01 and higher US$ 17.15

Send prepared envelopes to:
United Nations Postal Administration
P.O. Box 5900, Grand Central Station
New York, N.Y. 10163-5900
Mark outer wrapper: FOR MAILING

New Postal Rates as of 1 January 2022

Mail from Palais des Nations, Geneva – UN stamps in Swiss franc denominations ONLY:

Geneva to Swiss addresses CHF 1.10
Geneva to European countries CHF 1.80
Geneva to all other countries CHF 2.30

Rates are for letters up to 20 grams.

Registration Fee:
Geneva to Swiss addresses CHF 5.30
Geneva to all other countries CHF 6.00

Send prepared envelopes to:
Administration postale de l’ONU
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Genève 10
Mark outer wrapper: FOR MAILING

New Postal Rates as of 1 October 2022

Mail from Vienna International Centre – UN stamps in Euro currency ONLY:

Vienna to Austrian addresses € 1.00
Vienna to European countries € 1.20
Vienna to all other countries € 1.90

Rates are for regular letters up to 20 grams.

Registration Fee:
Vienna to Austrian addresses € 2.30
Vienna to all other countries € 2.85

Send prepared envelopes to:
Postverwaltung der Vereinten Nationen
Postfach 900
Internationales Zentrum Wien
1400 Wien – Vereinte Nationen
Mark outer wrapper: FOR MAILING